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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What is the price of Human Life?

   Went in this morning to find out what's going on inside of me and got no where. Because my medi-cal hasn't been approved yet my Dr. won't see me. Her staff informed me I would have to wait until I was approved before she would be my OB. So I am now looking for a better Dr, who will accept my temporary medi-cal, until my full medi-cal benefits are approved. 
   The life of my unborn child as well as my life could be in danger, but because I'm not insured no one cares. This is outrageous. Sad part is, this is happening to more then just me. It's happening to people all over the U.S. It's sad that human life has a price.....


  1. And yet so-called "pro-life" Republicans continue to rail against universal health care. I am SO sorry that pig-headed politics is endangering two precious lives. I wish I could be there right now to hug you. I saw Donna Blackburn yesterday and showed her that beautiful picture of you and Dad at the hospital. She said, and I agree!, that Dad was one very blessed man to have you in his life when he did. Thank you again for all that you do and all that you are. You are in my prayers every morning and night. Hugs, Janet

  2. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your father was a GRAND human I miss him dearly.
    I appreciate your support. An hope you come to meet the little one if and when "he" arrives. XOXO Donna
